We have the main food garden area fenced off primarily from the chooks, but it also helps keep Felicity from helping a little too much. But whenever she gets a chance, she will slip through the chicken wire gate with a giggle, go right past the garlic while heading straight for the curly-leafed lettuce. Thankfully for the lettuce, she only pats it. However if one is unlucky enough to be a tomato, well you won't be spending much more time on the vine. Although recently she has learned that the red ones are best for picking and eating.
Felicity loves to share. She will offer her partially enjoyed tomatoes to Mom and Dad, or even to the chooks. Felicity also enjoys sitting down with the chooks and sampling some of their food. Amazingly, this doesn't phase them including Rusty the rooster. I guess even the chooks have learned that life is about sharing.
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